Off-Road racers Courtney Gregory and Erin Bury team up with Larson’s Cycle for the 2024 season to bring you the Woods Women Interview Series, highlighting women’s off-road racing. Catch up on their interviews and a 2024 season recap.
This year, Off-Road racers Courtney Gregory and Erin Bury interviewed women competitors at a variety of Off-Road events over the summer. With the goal of these video interviews to highlight women in Off-Road racing and uplift their voices to share advice, thoughts, and feedback about their experiences as a rider and reflect on each race. You can find the Woods Women Interviews on Youtube for the Huntersville Enduro, Cambridge HS, Trollhaugen HS, Mora Enduro, and Brainerd HS.
Checking in with a few of the women Off-Road riders about their 2024 race season, 2024 D23 Women’s 12+ Enduro and Hare Scramble champion Brooke Niedzielski said “It was super fun and I was surprised with how competitive the moms were. Overall, I had some really good races and I’m happy with the results after putting hard work in.” Savannah Lofstrom, who won both D23 Women’s Championships for Enduro and Hare Scramble, reflected; “I’d say the season was a lot of me pushing my limits with the 2 hour race and finding my potential. Racing for 2 hours was hard on my body in the beginning but it helped me get stronger.”
Courtney also shared with us a few of her thoughts and a quick recap of the 2024 season:
The 2 hour Hare Scrambles saw back-to-back on-course battles throughout the year, with 7 girls in the overall end of year standings, including a world-class mountain biker, moto-girls, a couple of FAST teens, and some of our hard-enduro friends from the Dakotas.
In the historical women's 1 hour Hare Scramble, girls aged 12+ and some of the coolest moms on the block absolutely THREW down. When I tell you these back and forths and points battles were the highlight of my year... We easily had 5 or 6 girls in the toss up for the end of year win.
Between Enduros and Hare Scrambles we also saw quite a few well known names show up on the results a time or two... Herman, Artman, Tweeton, Deschennes, Mathwig, Waschek, Leyngel...
As for Enduro, there are some dedicated up and coming teenagers that proved to be stubborn enough to tackle an entire day with the mosquitoes. They're getting fast. I'm scared.
Special thanks to Straight Arrow Enduro Riders for hosting many women and girls at the Nemadji Enduro. I had so many conversations with first time Enduro riders throughout the year (guys and gals alike) and I hope to see you all in the woods next year!
BIIIG thanks once again, to Larson’s Cycle, D23 ARMCA, Erin Bury, and all the lovely people of Minnesota Off-Road who helped make our Woods Women's Interviews happen. And personally, I'd like to thank each and every one of these D23 girls for being the coolest competitors ever. Doing these interviews has been a dream of mine, but even more than that it is about bringing the dreams of some dirtbike girls into the spotlight.
See you in '25… I've got some ideas ;)