ACTION NEEDED: Legislative Updates

ACTION NEEDED: Send a note to legislators to help stop the ban on youth dirt bikes in MN. Possible hearing on Tuesday, Mar 4th.

Oppose the anti-access bill.

QUICK NOTES: Send a note to your legislators telling them to support the bills that have been submitted to correct the issue of youth sized dirt bikes, ATV, and snowmobiles being banned as a result of the PFAS (forever chemicals) being banned from new products designed for or marketed to kids 12 and under.

Our bill we submitted (as District 23/ARMCA) via Rep Heintzman is HF 81 =

Another good one is from Rep Zeleznikar, HF 654 =

Ask your legislators to support those bills. Copy Rep Heintzman ( and Zeleznikar ( and thank them for introducing the bills.

Oppose the anti-access bill: HF 1012

And if you want, there is a bill to remove the lane filtering law that was passed last year: HF 663

To find out who represents you, go to:

Enter your address and you will be taken to a screen that lists all of your state and federal elected officials as well as which district you reside in (numbers only is the Senate district, the numbers and the A or B is the House district)

Start the letter or the note stating: "I live in district 00X (fill in your district)."

Then state that you support HF 81 and 694. Tell them in a personal way why kids riding dirt bikes designed for them with proper safety gear is important to you. Just a few sentences.

Here you can thank Reps Heintzman and Zeleznikar for authoring the bills.

Then tell them that you oppose HF 1012. Tell them in your own words that the bill is really an anti-access bill against motorized recreation.  It is being sold as a common-sense environmental protection bill. 

You can also tell them that you oppose HF 663 and tell them why you feel lane filtering is important to you.

Close with a statement thanking them for listening to your comments.

Add your name and your address to show that you do live in their district. You can add your phone and e-mail address if you want and let them know that you are happy to answer any motorized recreation questions they might have.

You MUST add some personal comments to the note. You can't copy and paste with only the information in this note because every identical submission only counts as 1 submission. Adding a personal note allows each submission to count.

If you want to tackle the Senate at the same time, here are the bills for that Body:
Our bill: SF 1298

Another good one:

Anti-access: 1245

Anti-Lane filtering: SF 910