REMINDER: Deadline to reserve last year's number is March 1st!

Just another reminder to renew your membership or sign up for the first time for the upcoming 2025 season! Make sure you submit your application by THIS Saturday, March 1, to reserve your number from 2024 if you’re competing in our events! Visit link in bio!

Questions about our membership or how to sign up? We have some helpful videos posted on our FAQ page on our website at

ACTION NEEDED: Legislative Updates

ACTION NEEDED: Send a note to legislators to help stop the ban on youth dirt bikes in MN. Possible hearing on Tuesday, Mar 4th.

Oppose the anti-access bill.

QUICK NOTES: Send a note to your legislators telling them to support the bills that have been submitted to correct the issue of youth sized dirt bikes, ATV, and snowmobiles being banned as a result of the PFAS (forever chemicals) being banned from new products designed for or marketed to kids 12 and under.

Our bill we submitted (as District 23/ARMCA) via Rep Heintzman is HF 81 =

Another good one is from Rep Zeleznikar, HF 654 =

Ask your legislators to support those bills. Copy Rep Heintzman ( and Zeleznikar ( and thank them for introducing the bills.

Oppose the anti-access bill: HF 1012

And if you want, there is a bill to remove the lane filtering law that was passed last year: HF 663

To find out who represents you, go to:

Enter your address and you will be taken to a screen that lists all of your state and federal elected officials as well as which district you reside in (numbers only is the Senate district, the numbers and the A or B is the House district)

Start the letter or the note stating: "I live in district 00X (fill in your district)."

Then state that you support HF 81 and 694. Tell them in a personal way why kids riding dirt bikes designed for them with proper safety gear is important to you. Just a few sentences.

Here you can thank Reps Heintzman and Zeleznikar for authoring the bills.

Then tell them that you oppose HF 1012. Tell them in your own words that the bill is really an anti-access bill against motorized recreation.  It is being sold as a common-sense environmental protection bill. 

You can also tell them that you oppose HF 663 and tell them why you feel lane filtering is important to you.

Close with a statement thanking them for listening to your comments.

Add your name and your address to show that you do live in their district. You can add your phone and e-mail address if you want and let them know that you are happy to answer any motorized recreation questions they might have.

You MUST add some personal comments to the note. You can't copy and paste with only the information in this note because every identical submission only counts as 1 submission. Adding a personal note allows each submission to count.

If you want to tackle the Senate at the same time, here are the bills for that Body:
Our bill: SF 1298

Another good one:

Anti-access: 1245

Anti-Lane filtering: SF 910

Woods Women: 2024 Off-Road Race Season Recap

Off-Road racers Courtney Gregory and Erin Bury team up with Larson’s Cycle for the 2024 season to bring you the Woods Women Interview Series, highlighting women’s off-road racing. Catch up on their interviews and a 2024 season recap.

This year, Off-Road racers Courtney Gregory and Erin Bury interviewed women competitors at a variety of Off-Road events over the summer. With the goal of these video interviews to highlight women in Off-Road racing and uplift their voices to share advice, thoughts, and feedback about their experiences as a rider and reflect on each race. You can find the Woods Women Interviews on Youtube for the Huntersville Enduro, Cambridge HS, Trollhaugen HS, Mora Enduro, and Brainerd HS.

Checking in with a few of the women Off-Road riders about their 2024 race season, 2024 D23 Women’s 12+ Enduro and Hare Scramble champion Brooke Niedzielski said “It was super fun and I was surprised with how competitive the moms were. Overall, I had some really good races and I’m happy with the results after putting hard work in.” Savannah Lofstrom, who won both D23 Women’s Championships for Enduro and Hare Scramble, reflected; “I’d say the season was a lot of me pushing my limits with the 2 hour race and finding my potential. Racing for 2 hours was hard on my body in the beginning but it helped me get stronger.”

Courtney also shared with us a few of her thoughts and a quick recap of the 2024 season:

The 2 hour Hare Scrambles saw back-to-back on-course battles throughout the year, with 7 girls in the overall end of year standings, including a world-class mountain biker, moto-girls, a couple of FAST teens, and some of our hard-enduro friends from the Dakotas. 

In the historical women's 1 hour Hare Scramble, girls aged 12+ and some of the coolest moms on the block absolutely THREW down. When I tell you these back and forths and points battles were the highlight of my year... We easily had 5 or 6 girls in the toss up for the end of year win. 

Between Enduros and Hare Scrambles we also saw quite a few well known names show up on the results a time or two... Herman, Artman, Tweeton, Deschennes, Mathwig, Waschek, Leyngel... 

As for Enduro, there are some dedicated up and coming teenagers that proved to be stubborn enough to tackle an entire day with the mosquitoes. They're getting fast. I'm scared. 

Special thanks to Straight Arrow Enduro Riders for hosting many women and girls at the Nemadji Enduro. I had so many conversations with first time Enduro riders throughout the year (guys and gals alike) and I hope to see you all in the woods next year! 

BIIIG thanks once again, to Larson’s Cycle, D23 ARMCA, Erin Bury, and all the lovely people of Minnesota Off-Road who helped make our Woods Women's Interviews happen. And personally, I'd like to thank each and every one of these D23 girls for being the coolest competitors ever. Doing these interviews has been a dream of mine, but even more than that it is about bringing the dreams of some dirtbike girls into the spotlight. 

See you in '25… I've got some ideas ;) 

Namura Technologies Member of the Week 12/4/24

Member of the Week: Luke Wilder

What discipline(s) do you participate in? 

Hare Scramble primarily but I enjoy trail rides, motocross practice days, and tried my first dual sport ride this year.

AA Class for Hare Scrambles

When did you begin riding and/or racing? 

I got my first bike when I was 12 back in 2003 and raced my first Hare Scramble at Spring Creek in 2004.

Why do you continue to be a member of District 23 ARMCA? What do you think the benefits are? 

We have some of the best competition in the area and the events are top notch!

What is the greatest accomplishment of your riding/racing career? 

Winning the 2024 Hare Scramble AA State Championship

What are your goals for 2024? Beyond? 

My two major goals for 2025 are to defend my Hare Scramble State title and qualify for the Boston Marathon.

What is your favorite track, course, trail, or event and why? 

My favorite event is always our hometown Hare Scramble at Spring Creek. My wife and I got married there 7 years ago, we get together with all our friends there, and I was lucky enough to get an overall win there last year! It is a special place to our family!

What is the significance of your riding number? Was it given to you or did you pick it for a specific reason? 

I started as 127 and dropped it to 27 as I progressed. It actually doesn't have any background for picking it but I think it will be handed down to my kids as a significant number now!

What 5 words would you use to describe yourself (or your racing/riding)? 

Aggressive, Calculated, Determined, Driven, Competitive

If you're into music, what are 3 songs you're currently listening to that everyone needs to hear?

  1. Rockstar by Hardy

  2. The Anthem By Good Charlotte (My daughter Charlotte's #1 request)

  3. Fighter by The Score

Who inspires you in racing or riding? And how has motorcycling impacted your life? 

Cooper Webb with his never quit till the finish attitude.

Riding has always been my favorite thing to do when life isn't going to plan. It’s the one place I can always go and all the worries fade away! My wife will sometimes kick me out to go riding when my attitude declines, lol.

What has been your favorite machine to race/ride and why? 

My 2023 GasGas Ex350F has been my favorite bike to date. I'm known to be a bit of a clutch abuser and I ride the bike high in the RPMs but it just keeps coming back for more. It never let me down in my best season to date.

What else do you like to do for fun? 

Over the last couple of years I have fallen in love with fitness so if I'm not riding you will find me planning my next marathon or competitive fitness event!

What advice has a fellow rider/racer given you that you follow? 

You can’t win the race on the first lap but you can lose it!

What advice do you have for other D23 ARMCA members? 

If you want to progress quickly, stay focused and consistent in your program and never quit. Your consistency will compound and before you know it, you will start seeing the results!

Anything else you’d like to mention?

Nothing in life is going to fall in your lap, get off the couch and go get it! You won't regret it!

Namura Technologies Member of the Week 11/20/24

Member of the Week: Henry Schumacher

What discipline(s) do you participate in? 

In Hare Scramble, I ride in the 65 class but I’ll be moving up to the 85 jr class in the spring. For Hillclimb, I race the 65 and 85 jr classes.

When did you begin riding and/or racing? 

I began riding a strider bike at 2 years old and finally got to ride my dirtbike when I was 6 or 7. I started racing at 9 when I got my new 65.

Why do you continue to be a member of District 23 ARMCA? What do you think the benefits are? 

I have met all the best friends and fastest racers in District 23, both hillclimbing and in the woods. It’s a great group!

What is the greatest accomplishment of your riding/racing career? 

I have learned so much! I’ve definitely learned to be patient with myself sometimes! But my best race finish is 3rd in both disciplines. I also competed in my first national Hillclimb in Red Wing this year and earned 8th place!

What are your goals for 2024? Beyond? 

To go faster! I look up to all of my really fast race family who have all competed at the highest level and I want to ride like they do… fast!

What is your favorite track, course, trail, or event and why? 

I think my favorite place to ride is at Aaron and Tammy’s house because they have it all, a moto track, grass track, a fun woods loop, and we get to just have fun! Other than that, the Theilman trail ride is my second favorite because we can just ride the wheels off with all our favorite people.

What is the significance of your riding number? Was it given to you or did you pick it for a specific reason? 

My mom’s race number is 870, so I have a play bike with 871 and my race bike is 872, and now my sister races with 873!

What 5 words would you use to describe yourself (or your racing/riding)? 

Fast, coordinated, silly, crazy, chaos

If you're into music, what are 3 songs you're currently listening to that everyone needs to hear?

That’s hard to pick just songs but anything by Hardy, Morgan Wallen, or any song that gets you pumped up to race!

Who inspires you in racing or riding? And how has motorcycling impacted your life? 

I would love to say my mom because she’s been on two wheels since she was little and has won 3 national Hillclimb championships. But I also have some really fast riders I look up to and want to go fast like they do; Aaron, Jacob, Nathan, Brandon, Luke, Corissa, Logan, Bodee, and so many more! Dirtbikes just make everything great! I don’t have to think about school or my chore list when I get to go ride!

What has been your favorite machine to race/ride and why? 

I love ripping on the KX 110s! I really like the race bikes too, but I get to destroy the 110! Thankfully our local dealer keeps spare parts on hand!

What else do you like to do for fun? 

I love to go hunting, fishing, and mountain biking. In the winter I like to snowmobile too, but there hasn’t been a ton of snow lately.

What advice has a fellow rider/racer given you that you follow? 

So many things! But probably the best is to stand up and hang on with your ankles and knees! The best advice before I take off though is what my mom tells me: “I love you buddy, go fast but most importantly, have fun!”

What advice do you have for other D23 ARMCA members? 

Just go out and enjoy being on two wheels! Life doesn’t slow down so you have to have fun while you can.

Anything else you’d like to mention?

Just a huge thank you to all of the event promoters for doing all the hard work to give us a fun race season! And all the photographers that get dusty and dirty to get the cool action shots! I’m proud to be D23, where all the fastest riders come from!

Namura Technologies Member of the Week 11/6/24

Member of the Week: Darrell Prebe

What discipline(s) do you participate in? 

I mostly compete in Hare Scramble but I’ve also done Enduro and Hillclimb.

When did you begin riding and/or racing? 

When I was 3.

Why do you continue to be a member of District 23 ARMCA? What do you think the benefits are? 

I love being a part of our riding community. You can see it especially at the National Hillclimb level… D23 is amazing!

What is the greatest accomplishment of your riding/racing career? 

I was able to ride in three different disciplines this year. I did the entire D23 Hare Scramble circuit, the Huntington Enduro and also competed at the amateur Hillclimb Nationals in August. I was also able to ride three different classes at all but one race this year (85cc, Junior and Sportsman B).

What are your goals for 2024? Beyond? 

My goals for the next few years are to expand on my riding skills. I hope to do this by riding in different disciplines. I would love to make it to all the D23 Hares Scrambles as well as the D23 Hillclimbs.

What is your favorite track, course, trail, or event and why? 

I love being able to ride between the birch trees in Brookston. But I think my favorite track is Millville. I love that we can ride on the track that some of the MN greats have rode on and the woods trails are always fun!

What is the significance of your riding number? Was it given to you or did you pick it for a specific reason? 

My dad's number has always been 74. So when I started to ride, I wanted to show my love for him and chose 174 (my sister's number is 274).

What 5 words would you use to describe yourself (or your racing/riding)? 

Goofy, Endurance, Active, Funny and Resourceful

Who inspires you in racing or riding? And how has motorcycling impacted your life? 

I am inspired by my family. Our entire world has always been riding. My grandpa Dan started the family with racing back when my dad was young and still rides, even after being paralyzed, occasionally. I have some amazingly talented uncles, Jacob and Nathan, that are there to help and motive me! My aunts and cousins are also D23 racers!

What has been your favorite machine to race/ride and why? 

I have really loved riding my Kawasaki 112 this year that we got from Plainview Powersports. It is smooth riding and has enough power to allow me to jump some big jumps.

What else do you like to do for fun? 

I like to play football, baseball, and play computer games like MX bikes.

What advice has a fellow rider/racer given you that you follow? 

I always though that you gripped your bike with your legs, but I was told that you should actually grip with your ankles!

What advice do you have for other D23 ARMCA members? 

Do what you like and have fun! It doesn't matter if you're not the fastest or best person there, if you're having fun, then continue!

Anything else you’d like to mention?

I would like to give props to my racing/pit family!!

Namura Technologies Member of the Week 10/23/24

Member of the Week: Charlotte Wilder

What discipline(s) do you participate in? 

Hare Scramble

When did you begin riding and/or racing? 

I started riding when I was 4!

Why do you continue to be a member of District 23 ARMCA? What do you think the benefits are? 

The community.

What is the greatest accomplishment of your riding/racing career? 

Finishing a few races!

What are your goals for 2024? Beyond? 

I’d like to ride a full season.

What is your favorite track, course, trail, or event and why? 

Cambridge, I loved the woods section!

What is the significance of your riding number? Was it given to you or did you pick it for a specific reason? 

My dad, Luke Wilder, reps number 27. His old number is 127 and handed it down to me.

What 5 words would you use to describe yourself (or your racing/riding)? 

Funny, smart, goofy, kind and helpful

If you're into music, what are 3 songs you're currently listening to that everyone needs to hear?

Anything by Good Charlotte!

Who inspires you in racing or riding? And how has motorcycling impacted your life? 

My dad! He won the championship this year and inspires me to have fun racing.

What has been your favorite machine to race/ride and why? 


What else do you like to do for fun? 

I like to ride my Stacyc, go to water parks and take care of my chickens.

What advice has a fellow rider/racer given you that you follow? 

Just have fun!

Namura Technologies Member of the Week 10/9/24

Member of the Week: Memphis Lamb

What discipline(s) do you participate in? 

Motocross, 4-6 e-bike and 4-6 premix

When did you begin riding and/or racing? 

June 2023

Why do you continue to be a member of District 23 ARMCA? What do you think the benefits are? 

Born and raised Minnesota kid and I want to represent motocross in our state to the fullest.

What is the greatest accomplishment of your riding/racing career? 

20 straight moto wins to solidify the two division track championship at Cambridge BCMX Inaugural 70 series.

What are your goals for 2024? Beyond? 

Have fun, improve fundamentally and push for a d23 championship.

What is your favorite track, course, trail, or event and why? 


What is the significance of your riding number? Was it given to you or did you pick it for a specific reason? 

909 was my Mom’s snowmobile race number when she won the world championship.

What 5 words would you use to describe yourself (or your racing/riding)? 

Focused, Determined, Aggressive, Energetic, Happy

If you're into music, what are 3 songs you're currently listening to that everyone needs to hear?

  1. Rollin’ by Limp Bizkit

  2. Someone you loved by Lewis Capald

  3. Hick Town by Jason Aldean

Who inspires you in racing or riding? And how has motorcycling impacted your life? 

Bailey Kroone and Kru Longtin

What has been your favorite machine to race/ride and why? 

I love riding my Cobra because it’s the fastest.

What else do you like to do for fun? 

I like to play with my friends and go to waterparks.

What advice has a fellow rider/racer given you that you follow? 

Hole shot and have fun!

What advice do you have for other D23 ARMCA members?

“If you win this one you will get points and move up a couple spots”

Anything else you’d like to mention? 

I want to thank my sponsors for all the support; Immortal Insulation, JSP, Nick and Drew’s, Polka Dot Dairy, and We Are Nuts.