Member of the Week: Luke Wilder

What discipline(s) do you participate in?
Hare Scramble primarily but I enjoy trail rides, motocross practice days, and tried my first dual sport ride this year.
AA Class for Hare Scrambles
When did you begin riding and/or racing?
I got my first bike when I was 12 back in 2003 and raced my first Hare Scramble at Spring Creek in 2004.
Why do you continue to be a member of District 23 ARMCA? What do you think the benefits are?
We have some of the best competition in the area and the events are top notch!
What is the greatest accomplishment of your riding/racing career?
Winning the 2024 Hare Scramble AA State Championship
What are your goals for 2024? Beyond?
My two major goals for 2025 are to defend my Hare Scramble State title and qualify for the Boston Marathon.
What is your favorite track, course, trail, or event and why?
My favorite event is always our hometown Hare Scramble at Spring Creek. My wife and I got married there 7 years ago, we get together with all our friends there, and I was lucky enough to get an overall win there last year! It is a special place to our family!
What is the significance of your riding number? Was it given to you or did you pick it for a specific reason?
I started as 127 and dropped it to 27 as I progressed. It actually doesn't have any background for picking it but I think it will be handed down to my kids as a significant number now!
What 5 words would you use to describe yourself (or your racing/riding)?
Aggressive, Calculated, Determined, Driven, Competitive
If you're into music, what are 3 songs you're currently listening to that everyone needs to hear?
Rockstar by Hardy
The Anthem By Good Charlotte (My daughter Charlotte's #1 request)
Fighter by The Score
Who inspires you in racing or riding? And how has motorcycling impacted your life?
Cooper Webb with his never quit till the finish attitude.
Riding has always been my favorite thing to do when life isn't going to plan. It’s the one place I can always go and all the worries fade away! My wife will sometimes kick me out to go riding when my attitude declines, lol.
What has been your favorite machine to race/ride and why?
My 2023 GasGas Ex350F has been my favorite bike to date. I'm known to be a bit of a clutch abuser and I ride the bike high in the RPMs but it just keeps coming back for more. It never let me down in my best season to date.
What else do you like to do for fun?
Over the last couple of years I have fallen in love with fitness so if I'm not riding you will find me planning my next marathon or competitive fitness event!
What advice has a fellow rider/racer given you that you follow?
You can’t win the race on the first lap but you can lose it!
What advice do you have for other D23 ARMCA members?
If you want to progress quickly, stay focused and consistent in your program and never quit. Your consistency will compound and before you know it, you will start seeing the results!
Anything else you’d like to mention?
Nothing in life is going to fall in your lap, get off the couch and go get it! You won't regret it!