Member of the Week: Darrell Prebe

What discipline(s) do you participate in?
I mostly compete in Hare Scramble but I’ve also done Enduro and Hillclimb.
When did you begin riding and/or racing?
When I was 3.
Why do you continue to be a member of District 23 ARMCA? What do you think the benefits are?
I love being a part of our riding community. You can see it especially at the National Hillclimb level… D23 is amazing!
What is the greatest accomplishment of your riding/racing career?
I was able to ride in three different disciplines this year. I did the entire D23 Hare Scramble circuit, the Huntington Enduro and also competed at the amateur Hillclimb Nationals in August. I was also able to ride three different classes at all but one race this year (85cc, Junior and Sportsman B).
What are your goals for 2024? Beyond?
My goals for the next few years are to expand on my riding skills. I hope to do this by riding in different disciplines. I would love to make it to all the D23 Hares Scrambles as well as the D23 Hillclimbs.
What is your favorite track, course, trail, or event and why?
I love being able to ride between the birch trees in Brookston. But I think my favorite track is Millville. I love that we can ride on the track that some of the MN greats have rode on and the woods trails are always fun!
What is the significance of your riding number? Was it given to you or did you pick it for a specific reason?
My dad's number has always been 74. So when I started to ride, I wanted to show my love for him and chose 174 (my sister's number is 274).
What 5 words would you use to describe yourself (or your racing/riding)?
Goofy, Endurance, Active, Funny and Resourceful
Who inspires you in racing or riding? And how has motorcycling impacted your life?
I am inspired by my family. Our entire world has always been riding. My grandpa Dan started the family with racing back when my dad was young and still rides, even after being paralyzed, occasionally. I have some amazingly talented uncles, Jacob and Nathan, that are there to help and motive me! My aunts and cousins are also D23 racers!
What has been your favorite machine to race/ride and why?
I have really loved riding my Kawasaki 112 this year that we got from Plainview Powersports. It is smooth riding and has enough power to allow me to jump some big jumps.
What else do you like to do for fun?
I like to play football, baseball, and play computer games like MX bikes.
What advice has a fellow rider/racer given you that you follow?
I always though that you gripped your bike with your legs, but I was told that you should actually grip with your ankles!
What advice do you have for other D23 ARMCA members?
Do what you like and have fun! It doesn't matter if you're not the fastest or best person there, if you're having fun, then continue!
Anything else you’d like to mention?
I would like to give props to my racing/pit family!!