Namura Technologies Member of the Week 08/14/24

Member of the Week: Aaron Pendergast

What discipline(s) do you participate in? 

Motocross and I’d like to try a Hare Scramble or two!

When did you begin riding and/or racing? 

I began riding in the summer of 2013 and racing in the spring of 2014.

Why do you continue to be a member of District 23 ARMCA? What do you think the benefits are? 

It’s the best district for racing if you ask me. It’s a huge community of people that share the love of racing.

What is the greatest accomplishment of your riding/racing career? 

Probably making it to the finals for amateur arenacross in 2016 in Las Vegas. I also got married in the same weekend, so that was extra special! Any time I get to ride or race, is a highlight to me.

What are your goals for 2024? Beyond? 

My goal for 2024 is to stay healthy.. which hasn’t been easy the last couple of years. But to finish the season strong and hopefully get a championship or two. Next year though, I definitely want to try for Loretta’s and just have as much fun as possible.

What is your favorite track, course, trail, or event and why? 

Favorite track in Minnesota, it’s not for racing but I’d have to say Moto 108. Millville is right up there on the list because it’s where you can always find everyone and you know it’s going to be a good time.

What is the significance of your riding number? Was it given to you or did you pick it for a specific reason? 

It’s a Misfits song, “We are 138”, and it has always stuck in my head and thought it would make a cool number. Nothing special haha.

What 5 words would you use to describe yourself (or your racing/riding)? 

Obsessed, in love, forever.

If you're into music, what are 3 songs you're currently listening to that everyone needs to hear?

Oh man, that’s one of the hardest questions of all time because I listen to so much.

  1. Split by Currents

  2. No Sleep by Boy Destroy

  3. But why would you care by Knuckle Puck

Who inspires you in racing or riding? And how has motorcycling impacted your life? 

Eli Tomac, Josh Hansen, and probably Jason Anderson. All very talented guys and all for different reasons at the same time.

Ever since I starting riding and racing, I’ve gone to places I never thought I’d go. It’s helped me meet some of the greatest people I have ever met. I met my wife at a track and that changed my life for the better ever since. I’m such a happy person because of a machine, and it grows more and more all the time.

What has been your favorite machine to race/ride and why? 

Honestly the bike I’m on now, a 2024 kx450. Thing is so much fun!

What else do you like to do for fun? 

Anything with my family. It doesn’t matter if we’re going for a walk, finding food trucks around the cities, or just sitting on our deck. It gives me such a peaceful and calm feeling. I also use to skateboard a ton before I discovered moto, and I still like to every now and again.

What advice has a fellow rider/racer given you that you follow? 

Fear is the enemy of progression. There’s always something that’s going to scare you, but learning to let that fear drive you is what will help you progress.

What advice do you have for other D23 ARMCA members? 

Do not be afraid to reach out or ask questions to someone that’s at a higher level than you. Most the people in this sport are actually super nice and love to spread their knowledge. This is one of the best communities of like minded people I have come across and we all love to see each other succeed.

Anything else you’d like to mention? 

Keep people falling in love with dirt bikes, it truly is life changing.