Namura Technologies Member of the Week 07/17/24

Member of the Week: Gage Fuller

What discipline(s) do you participate in? 

Quad motocross, I race in the quad youth open class.

When did you begin riding and/or racing? 

I've been riding since I was about 3 years old.

Why do you continue to be a member of District 23 ARMCA? What do you think the benefits are? 

Racing is a huge passion of mine and I enjoy seeing all of my friends and family at the track.

What is the greatest accomplishment of your riding/racing career? 

My greatest accomplishment in D23 has been winning three state championships

What are your goals for 2024? Beyond? 

My goal for 2024 is to work on endurance/stamina and faster lap times. Next year I'll be racing against my dad (and hopefully I'll win).. I also plan to race some nationals!

What is your favorite track, course, trail, or event and why? 

Echo Valley - it's such a fun, fast paced track with huge jumps!

What is the significance of your riding number? Was it given to you or did you pick it for a specific reason? 

It's my dads number... I'm proud to have it.

What 5 words would you use to describe yourself (or your racing/riding)? 

Motivated, sportsmanship, fearless, hard working, and outgoing.

If you're into music, what’s a song you're currently listening to that everyone needs to hear? 

I usually just listen to whatever my dad has playing in the garage.

Who inspires you in racing or riding? And how has motorcycling impacted your life? 

My dad. He's taught me everything I know on and off the track. He does all of our four-wheeler builds, maintenance.. you name it, he does it. He's raced for over twenty years so the amount of knowledge he has in this sport is incredible.

What has been your favorite machine to race/ride and why? 

Yfz 250 hybrid

What else do you like to do for fun? 

Ride my pit quad, fishing, and taking the boat out on the river.

What advice has a fellow rider/racer given you that you follow? 

Take different lines on the track and don't look back during a race.

What advice do you have for other D23 ARMCA members? 

Don't give up, take chances and have fun!