Namura Technologies Member of the Week 3/27/23

Member of the Week: Brady Pekarek

What discipline(s) do you participate in? Class(es)?

MX Quad Open C class

When did you begin riding and racing? At what point did you become a District 23 ARMCA member?
I began racing in 2018 and became a D23 ARMCA member in 2020.

What is the greatest accomplishment of your riding/racing career?

My greatest accomplishment in my racing career is riding a full 2022 season and not missing a single race.

What are your goals for 2023? Beyond?

My goals for 2023 are taking championship in C class hoping to move up to the B class and beyond.

Why do you continue to race in D23 ARMCA?

I continue to race in D23 because there is a lot of competition and I have fun hanging out with other fellow riders at the track. I have made some awesome friends while at the track.

Who inspires you in racing?

The person who most inspires me is Nate Fuller because he is an awesome rider. He is always willing to teach me and help me at the track.

How has motorcycling impacted your life?

Racing has most impacted my life by giving me something to work hard for.

What is your favorite food to eat on race day?

I prefer not like to eat anything until after racing is done, but I will have a few bananas before the race.

How do you get pumped up to ride/race? Music? Pep talks? Maybe quiet time is more your style?

I like to hang out by myself and think about the race track. I think about certain sections of the track and how I will race them.

What else do you like to do for fun?

I enjoy hunting, fishing, snowmobiling, camping, wrestling and hanging out with my friends and family.

What advice has a fellow rider/racer given you that you follow?

Take time to relax on the straight away when racing. This advice was given to me by a fellow rider.

What advice do you have for other D23 ARMCA members?

My advice to other fellow members would be to have fun, stay in shape and don't give up.

Anything else you’d like to mention?

I love racing the D23 series and have a great time racing at all the different tracks.