Namura Technologies Member of the Week 2/6/2023

Member of the Week: Nadia Ellingson

What discipline(s) do you participate in? Class(es)?

I’ll be participating in 200C class in the Harescrambles discipline in D23. I’ll also be participating in the Super Series at Millville in Womens class.

When did you begin riding and racing? At what point did you become a District 23
ARMCA member?
I began riding around the age of 3 and started racing at the age of 4. I feel in love with the sport right from the beginning.

I became an D23 member last year (2022) season. I only did a few races due to an injury I had in May which caused me not to be able to finish out the season racing in D23. I’m looking forward to having a healthy 2023 season in Minnesota!

What is the greatest accomplishment of your riding/racing career?

My greatest accomplishment of my career is never giving up during the time I was overcoming my first injury of breaking 4 bones all at once.

What are your goals for 2023? Beyond?

My goals for 2023 are to get at least top 5, but hopefully top 3 in 200C in Harescrambles. Then in super series I hope to get top 5. As each season goes I hope to get even better and hope to eventually win a championship!

Why do you continue to race in D23 ARMCA?

I continue racing D23 because of the amazing atmosphere, it’s a big family, everyone is kind and helpful. There is also a lot of racers which makes a lot of competition for the races.

Who inspires you in racing?

There’s two people that have really inspired me so far in my racing. My dad because of his hard work and getting me involved in this wonderful sport, and all he’s accomplished in his life of racing. Dylan Narel because of the hard work, dedication, and the passion he puts towards his racing life and now giving the knowledge, and work to help with my racing.

How has motorcycling impacted your life?

Motorcycling has impacted my life by it being a stress reliever- everything leaves my mind when I hop on my dirtbike, it’s something to look forward to in summer, I get to meet new people and build great relationships with them, my family thought of and made a program “Youth Off Road Riders” which gets young kids on dirtbikes and involved in the sport, many memories that’ll last forever, and I’ve found a sport that I’m passionate for and forever will stick with.

What is your favorite food to eat on race day?

A banana before my race. After my race, anything!

How do you get pumped up to ride/race? Music? Pep talks? Maybe quiet time is more your style?

I get pumped up by giving myself a small pep talk, listening to motivating music, and biking around the parking area.

What else do you like to do for fun?

What I like to do for fun is teach kids how to ride dirt bikes at the Youth Off Road Riders clinics on my off race weekends, hangout with friends/family, and be outside in the sun.

What advice has a fellow rider/racer given you that you follow?

Advice that I’ve followed that I’ve been given by someone is to never give up and chase your dreams. This advice will stick with me forever and will be something that I’ll always remind myself especially at times that are difficult.

What advice do you have for other D23 ARMCA members?

Never give up. Follow your heart, and enjoy the journey. There will be ups and downs but the ups will always out weigh the downs.

Anything else you’d like to mention?

I’m glad to be a District 23 member!!❤️

This was prepared by an independent contractor and may not be the views of the board of directors of District 23 ARMCA or any of their sponsors or affiliates.