London Crossing Single Track Project Announcement


The hearing is tentatively scheduled for July 2022. Please simply email Lake County to let them know that you are in support of the London Crossing single track trails system.
email address:

Mrs. Feldkamp is the environmental services manager for Lake County. Please have your emails in by July 15th.

What is London Crossing single track project?
The red star on the map is the Alger Grade OHM system.
The blue start on the map is the London Crossing project.
The line is part of the Wild Country ATV trail.
The London Crossing system is 5-ish miles from the end of trail 10 on the WC ATV trail. Bjorn and I walked, tied ribbons and mapped out approximately 25 miles of trail last fall and winter. 25 miles is the maximum length.
The system will have an 8 mile central loop with all blue level difficulty. There will be multiple loops off of the central trail that will have blue/black/2x black with alternate loops.
The character of the trail compared to that of Alger Grade will be that London has a fair bit of open hardwood areas for flowy-er trail. London also has a much greater rate of change in elevation. There are rolling hills, steep rocky areas, hills and ledges. In general it will have both easier and harder trails than Alger Grade.
Adding the London trail is a big deal for single track opportunities and Lake County. These 2 single track trail systems added together and including the ATV trail will put us well over 40 miles. 40 miles of technical single track is more than enough for any rider for a weekend ride if that rider isn't named Graham Jarvis or Cody Webb. That means the two systems can be a destination asset for Lake Co. for riders from much further away than Alger Grade alone would be.
(The white on the map are old logging roads. Except the very straight line which is a snafu of my mapping app.)