Member of the Week: Tommy Keech
Written By: Jackie Riess
Tommy Keech joined District 23 ARMCA in 1991 at 15 years old. He began racing motocross on his 1987 Honda CR125, and thoroughly enjoyed racing in his teens. In 1994, he joined the United States Marine Corps and began racing through the deserts of California. Claiming he “had no clue about any of it,” he raced his big tank, 19” rear wheel YZ 250. Tommy turned out to be an incredible off-road racer, and competed in the expert class at his first off-road race: the Lucerne Valley National Hare and Hound. This was quite the venue for his first non-motocross race, and he faced adversity throughout. This included a magnificent crash, but he was able to remount the motorcycle and finish the nearly 100 mile race. He finished in 3rd in the 250 Expert class, which earned him 19th overall in the race. He was hooked, and continued to compete in off-road and motocross races. Tommy now competes in the 40+ A and 45+ A classes in motocross in District 23 ARMCA, and strives to have as much fun as possible on his dirt bike.
Tommy is inspired by many groups of racers in the local community. He loves watching the kids, as he knows this is an experience few will receive. The A and B riders keep him motivated to improve as a rider. And the vet riders keep his competitive spirit alive. Learning from racers of all ages and skill levels, Tommy hopes to return to the Loretta Lynn’s Amateur National someday, as his greatest accomplishment in motocross was his 6th place finish in the 30+ class in 2010.
Like many others, motorcycling has impacted many facets of Tommy’s life. He imagines “it has contributed to some break-ups, some cool scars and injury tales, and an insane amount of fun, memories, and some of the best friends anyone could ever ask for!” Knowing how special the community in District 23 ARMCA is, he truly appreciates the impact these people have on his life. Tommy has also seen value in joining the Minnesota chapter of Veteran Motocross Foundation ( | @veteran_mx | @veteranmxmn). He enjoys being a part of a group of like minded people, and is proud to help bring veterans together through Throttle Therapy. He explains, this gives veterans “an outlet for things that may otherwise disrupt their lives, such as PTSD or service related trauma.” Tommy hopes to bring motorcycling as therapy to other veterans, and continue to use the sport to make a positive impact on others’ lives.
Tommy continues to race in District 23 ARMCA because of the thrill, competition, and camaraderie. Though these feelings are somewhat indescribable to non-racers, he knows it’s impossible to walk away from the sport. In addition to riding and racing, Tommy enjoys spending time with his four boys, spending time in the shop, and participating in all things outdoor recreation. All compiled, with the addition of an incredible dinner, would make for his perfect day.
Tommy advises other District 23 ARMCA members to remember to keep racing fun. If it isn’t fun anymore, “or you find yourself mad at your kid for not performing to a certain level, take a breath … this is supposed to be about good times, making memories, and putting smiles on our faces!”
This article was prepared by an independent contractor and may not be the views of the board of directors of District 23 ARMCA or any of their sponsors or affiliates.