Member of the Week: Nick Jackson
Written By: Jackie Riess
Nick Jackson began racing motocross at four years old. Though this was short lived at the time, he began racing full time in District 23 ARMCA when he turned ten. He worked his way through the ranks, and now competes in the A classes in District 23 ARMCA, and even competed in two AMA Pro Motocross Nationals in 2021. In the future, Nick would like to continue competing in Pro Motocross Nationals, and would like to make a return to Loretta Lynn’s ranch in 2022 in the 30+ class with his sights set on a top 5 finish.
Nick attributes much of the joy in his life to motorcycling. Some of the greatest relationships in his life have come from this sport. He even explains that motorcycling kept him from going down the wrong path like many of the kids he grew up with. In addition to the friendships he’s made through racing, Nick values his family, and enjoys visiting new places with the people closest to him.
Once advised to “be the person you want to be, not what others want you to be,” Nick has stayed true to himself. He loves learning how to improve on the track, through his graphics business (Black Diamond MX), and in everyday life. He even rewards himself with his favorite treat after big days: a Snickers and a Sugar Free RedBull. Nick encourages other District 23 ARMCA members to “remember we all started riding for the fun of motorcycles.”
This article was prepared by an independent contractor and may not be the views of the board of directors of District 23 ARMCA or any of their sponsors or affiliates.